Bio & CV

Below are longer and shorter standard bios (for intros and blurbs and such) and a link to view or download my CV.


Gregory A. Jackson currently serves as Educational Counselor at MIT and Trustee of the La Jolla Community Planning Association. He has served as Vice President and CIO at the University of Chicago, Vice President for Policy at EDUCAUSE, Vice President for University Outreach at NBCUniversal, Director of Academic Computing at MIT, interim IT leader for the San Diego Community College District, Associate Professor at Harvard, and Assistant Professor at Stanford. 

At the University of Chicago, Jackson managed the University’s $70-million, 375-person central computing organization, which provides facilities, telephones, communications, networking, administrative computing, academic computing, a computer store, and related services to the campus community. At MIT, he oversaw the Institute’s $6-million budget for instructional and scholarly technology, including the Athena Computing Environment and other Information Systems facilities serving the teaching and learning needs of MIT faculty and students.

At EDUCAUSE and NBCUniversal, Jackson focused on technology-related policy trends, issues, and challenges that affect higher education (such as federal and state policy, competition, demographic changes, and vendor interactions).

At Stanford and Harvard, Jackson taught courses in analytic approaches to decision making, statistical and qualitative research methods, and policy analysis, and a first-year seminar on the scientific integrity of murder mysteries. Jackson is co-author of two books–Who Gets Ahead? and Future Bostonand of numerous articles, reports, and teaching cases related to evaluation and planning methods in higher education; research, instructional, library, and enterprise library computing in universities; admissions and college-choice issues; and the selection and use of comparison groups for colleges.

 Born in California and raised in Mexico, Jackson earned his bachelor’s degree from MIT and his doctorate from Harvard.


Greg is currently Educational Counselor at MIT and Trustee of the La Jolla Community Planning Association. He has served as Vice President and CIO at the University of Chicago, Vice President for Policy at EDUCAUSE, Vice President for University Outreach at NBCUniversal, Director of Academic Computing at MIT, interim IT leader for the San Diego Community College District, Associate Professor at Harvard, and Assistant Professor at Stanford. Greg is co-author of two books and numerous articles, reports, and teaching cases related to his research and administrative work. Born in California, where he lives now, and raised in Mexico, Greg’s bachelor’s degree is from MIT and his doctorate from Harvard.